
The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and on all school outings unless told otherwise. Our uniform consists of the following:

For everyday wear:
• Green sweatshirt with school crest (available in The Cope, Dungloe only)
• Plain black tracksuit bottoms (no sports logos, stripes or colours)
• Plain white polo shirt
• Plain black trainers

For formal occasions please have:
• Black trousers, skirt or pinafore
• White shirt

For cost efficiency to parents the only compulsory item of our uniform to be personalised with our school crest is the sweatshirt. This is available in The Cope, Dungloe only. For consistency of quality and colour we would ask that parents do not source the sweatshirt elsewhere. All other items can be purchased in the Cope, Dungloe for convenience, but they are also readily available in many other major retail outlets such as Dunnes, Asda etc.

We would remind all parents to clearly label any removable items of clothing such as coats and jumpers with your child’s name (Infants up to 6th Class). Personalised iron on labels are very convenient and can be ordered through various websites.